Course curriculum
Can I Successfully Breastfeed?
The Myths of Breastfeeding
Benefits to baby AND mom with breastfeeding
Supplementing issues, nipple confusion, and pacifiers
How long should I breastfeed?
Introducing solids
On-Demand Feeding or Schedules?
Breastfeeding Basics
Where do I begin?
How do I know when to feed my baby? Watching for feeding cues, schedules, and timing
What is the baby doing while at the breast? How to tell if the baby is drinking milk!
The Latch
Different holding positions
Is the baby getting milk? Tips and tricks to feel confident
Peeing and pooping: signs breastfeeding is working!
Is Pain Normal?
How much does a breastfed baby consume?
The First 24 hours
The First 24hrs
The Second Night Blues
Second Night Blues
Good Help Can Be Found
Support and Next Steps
Breastfeeding Gizmos and Gadgets
Breastfeeding Devices: Nipple Shields, Teas, bottles, and pacifiers
Do I need a pump right away?
Hand expression, cup feeding, spoon feeding
Special Circumstances
Special Circumstances: Adoption, same-sex couples, special needs, multiples, etc.
Returning To Work
Planning ahead for success
How much milk should I be storing up and storage guidelines
Working with your daycare provider is key
Bottle feeding the breastfed baby
Online Resourses
Online Resourses
Baby Poop!
Milk Storage Guide by the CDC